I'm still testing the iBike, but it's almost 1 year on and I'm still happy. I'm prompted to write this by an ibike announcement - they now have some new firmware that allows the iBike wireless model (the one I don't have) to integrate wirelessly with the Garmin GPS-enabled devices. So you end up with location and power on the one sweet load of data. Beautiful. I can imagine it - and it looks fantastic - but I'll pretend I don't really need it for now. But if you are buying a new one, go wireless!
Just to update you, the v1.16 firmware has extended battery life enormously, by around 2x at least. Winter will be a truer test (it's just gone autumn here), but I suspect that battery life is no longer an issue.
And of course don't believe the latest issue of Ride magazine, which still believes that ibike is for moving bikes only, not for stationary trainers. In fact there are a number of pre-calculated and approved indoor trainers for which the ibike is individually mapped and (apparently, as I haven't tested it yet - another reason to go wireless I guess) works. Check it out at ibike: We’re taking it off the streets with the new iBike Pro Indoor Trainer. This purchasable iBike Pro firmware upgrade, used in conjunction with the iBike Wireless Heart Rate mount, makes it possible to use the iBike Pro to measure power on commonly available indoor trainers. Please include your iBike Pro serial number in the Special Instructions section of your ordering screen when you place your order as the firmware is secured for your individual iBike. Available 11/15/07.