Friday, August 27, 2010

Think you have it tough in a local A-grade crit? How about trying a 169km Dutch Ronde at 46kmh

Mick Curran is a Central Coast Cycling club A-grader who will quickly become very bored upon his return to the local Oz race scene. He may have to organise a few local races where jumping footpaths and riding eyes-closed on Dutch-style cobbled roads scores bonus points. Either way he will have to cut back on his 26 bread rolls in one hit habit.

For those who care about my Holland/Belgium stint.
Lined up in the 14e Memorial Danny Jonckheere today in Belgium. The race was a 13km Ronde x 13 times giving a 169km outing.

Legs had quit on me Sunday so rested Monday and did some km Tuesday but needed to turn around and go home only getting 2 hours. Not sure what was wrong just worn out i guess. Left me wondering if I should line up the next day? Nothing 26 bread rolls couldn't fix. Thats not a joke, 2 x 10 packs and a 6 pack of rolls. Shocked

I did, and my legs were no different, but after 100km of the 170km they were starting to feel half normal again. By the the 150km mark I was feeling like myself again......just!

180 starters, overcast with showers throughout, 170km in 3hrs40min = Avg. 45.5km/h (just under the elusive 46mark Grin )
Uitslag 14e Memorial Danny Jonckheere 2010-08-25 - - Wielrennen
Rnk. Coureur Team Tijd NT WR
48. Michael Curran - -
63. Chris Jory - -
81. Michael England Profel Prorace Cycling Team - -